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We run for election to the Board of Sekisui House for many important reasons.  First, we seek to replace an incumbent Board that has not taken responsibility for the Gotanda land scandal but instead has engaged in a two-year cover-up of an independent Investigation Report (the “Report”) and its findings.  Only by court order can shareholders now read the Report (with redactions by the Company).  The Report places blame on incumbent Board directors for suspicious acts and circumstances that involve possible money laundering, which may explain why the current Board has not disclosed any recovery efforts for the 5.55 billion yen catastrophic loss.  Our Board slate (“Slate”) shall conduct a full investigation, with the help of the legal and investigative authorities around the world, to find answers why so many red flags were generated and missed in this improper transaction that wreaks of money laundering.  Then we shall take aggressive action on behalf of the Company to recover the funds which belong to the shareholders.  Our course of action will be the start of the restoration of trust and good corporate governance at Sekisui House.


Second, we run for election to provide strong and lasting strategic governance to Sekisui House, which requires a truly diverse Board.  Isami Wada, our former Chairman, has had two years to reflect on what will make Sekisui House strong and vibrant in 2020 and beyond for all stakeholders, inclusive of shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers and communities.  He helped assemble our Slate comprised of mostly independent directors from diverse backgrounds, including prominent Americans and two women who have excelled professionally in law and ESG wealth management.  Mr. Wada and other slate directors vow to help restore morale for all beloved employees and set the Company on a renewed course for inclusion and growth so that Mr. Wada can return to a blissful retirement within two years.  He has no intention to remain with the Company beyond that.  He just wants to return the Company to the rightful owners, namely you, the shareholders.


Third, with a diverse and independent Board, our Slate determines to divest ownership of Sekisui House’s allegiant share holdings (holding of other Japanese companies’ shares that cross own our shares to entrench respective Board incumbents – sometimes called “Strategic Holdings”) and use resulting funds to benefit our shareholders and employees through special dividends and bonuses, share buy-backs and reinvestment in the Company.  This action is essential to promote corporate democracy, increase domestic and international investor interest and unleash long pent up capital to enhance shareholder wealth.  Additionally, our Slate can consider a dual listing on other major international exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”).  Our Slate believes that an international listing will promote increased international investor demand and recognition for our shares, allow our shares to trade around the clock and proudly signal that our Company management and products are world-class and expanding to many markets outside of Japan.  The incumbent Board simply cannot meet this goal as its composition does not reflect a majority of truly independent directors, which is a mandatory listing requirement of the NYSE and other international exchanges.


For these and many other salutary reasons we run for election to Sekisui House’s Board and seek your vote or proxy in the upcoming annual shareholders’ meeting to be scheduled for late April, 2020.

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